oggi scrivendo il capitolo

oggi scrivendo il capitolo del libro su tokyo, ho inserito la ricetta che mi spiegarono degli amci nel paese del sol levante.



Difficulty: Easy
Ready in: 45 minutes

You will need:
– 1 package of ramen noodles
– 1/2 cup of scallions (sliced)
– 1/2 cup of bamboo shoots
– 1/2 cup of green peppers (sliced)
– 2 or 3 Shiitake mushrooms
– 1 egg
– Dried Kelp
– 6 cups of water

The soup broth :
If you want to make your own soup broth, it’s pretty easy and any of the following will mix perfectly with this recipe:

How to cook:
(Let’s say you choose the Shiitake mushrooms soup broth)

* You will need: 1/2 cup of shiitake mushrooms
Soak the Shiitake mushrooms in water for 30 minutes.
2. Put the Shiitake and water in a cooking pot.
3. Heat it (Medium heat).
4. Turn off the heat when the water comes to a boil.
5. Let it stand for 30 minutes.
6. Remove the Shiitake mushrooms with a strainer.

The noodles
Put 2 cups of water in a cooking pot and bring to a boil.
8. Once the water is boiling add your ramen noodles.
9. Wait 2-3 minutes until the noodles are tender and separated.
10. Take off the water with the strainer.
The recipe:
11. Put the egg in a cooking pot, covering it with 1-2 inches of water.
12. Bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils, turn off the heat. Let it sit for 10 minutes, then peel it. Cut the egg in half lengthwise.
13. Add the ramen noodles in your soup broth.
14. Add the green peppers, the shiitake mushrooms, the bamboo shoots, the scallions, the dried kelp and the egg.
15. Enjoy!

Well this is the ultimate vegetarian ramen soup! It looks great, it’s easy to make and it taste very good. If you don’t like meat, this is the meal for you. This is an easy to make ramen soup that would look great for diner tonight, wouldn’t it?

RAMEN Ingredienti (per 4 persone):

240 gr di ramen (pasta giapponese tipo spaghetti)

120 gr di lonza di maiale, 80 gr di carote, 70 gr di germogli di soia, 80 gr di porro, 70, gr di funghi champignon, 1/2 foglia d’ alga (facoltativo), 1 cipolla, 1 spicchio d’aglio, 2 uova sode, 1 bicchiere di sake, salsa di soia, zenzero

preparazione: Preparate il brodo, facendo bollire un litro d’acqua con carote, porro, un pezzetto di zenzero e un pizzico di sale..
In una casseruola antiaderente fate rosolare la cipolla e l’aglio con poco olio, la lonza precedentemente tagliata a striscette e fatela rosolare. Spruzzate di sake e quando il liquido sarà evaporato togliete la carne.
Nel fondo di cottura, fate brasare le verdure, aggiungendo un altro pezzetto di zenzero e soya.
Cuocete i ramen in acqua bollente salata e una volta pronti versateli nelle fondine, dove aggiungerete la carne e le verdure brasate. Unite qualche strisciolina d’alga, l’uovo sodo. Coprite i ramen con il brodo filtrato.

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