sorry for not replying for so long. All my time goes between work, teaching, bricolage in the house (not much done), and being with m.
I understand what you’re saying regarding work; unfortunately you have to take what’s out there. I hate being a slave too, as I’m not even good at it (not enough smarmy attitude and self-hatred).
To be honest it’s not even too bad for me, but I see people in the office get totally exhausted and burned out everyday, and I don’t like it.
There’s also some enthusiasm, but the fact is that mr.boss is so difficult to please until he knows what he wants, and he doesn’t really know what he wants until the very end, possibly a few hours before the deadline.
This forces everyone working at the project to produce lots of unnecessary work. Only a few people know exactly what needs to be done, most (myself included) will only find out too late.
My role is very fuzzy and stuck between production and supervision.
Anyway, enough with thinking about work: the bottom line is, if they don’t get too annoyed with me I will sick around for some more time and at least try to make myself useful.
Easter… eventually neither myself nor M. were able to take much holidays, so we decided to postpone our big holiday till the 1st of may: we’re going to Madrid for 6 days.
So he’s going down to see his parents and tomorrow I’m going to a house in the countryside near Siena which belongs to a friend of a friend with Lux, my girlmate in Rome and a few more people. Won’t be in Bologna until tuesday evening cause on tuesday afternoon I have the american University in Florence (trains trains and more trains).
It’s a strange period as well: my 91 year old grandmother is sick. She was relatively fit and healthy till a few weeks ago, then her legs began to swell and now she’s in bed all the time.
I’m not gonna be there and I feel a bit guilty cause it could be one of the last chances to see her alive.
I’m always like that when a person near me threatens to disappear: I stay away, refusing to get involved. Which sucks of course, but I can’t seem to help it. I spoke to her over the phone, and it’s incredible how good she is at pretending nothing really serious is happening. The war must have taught her something. Normally its’ her who mostly talks to me, about the news or other silly business which ends up in a laugh. Today I was trying to talk some trivial stuff to her but she wasn’t really up for it. Just nonchalantly playing up to the conversation.
Sorry, it feels like I’m writing a book. I’d better call you instead.
Speak later.